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Prepare your property for wildfire, then review plans annually

By "go bag", agent, building, business, checklist, chemicals, clean, debris, defensible, embers, employees, evacuation, family, first responder, flame, food, hazard, home, independent, Insurance, kit, medications, prevent, property, protect, rake, roof, shelter, smoke, supplies, water, wildfire
Even if you’ve taken precautions to make your home or business resistant to wildfire, take time each year to review your preparations. The post Prepare your property for wildfire, then review plans annually appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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How to protect yourself from fraud

By agent, Better Business Bureau, builder, business, claim, Consumer Tips, contract, Contractor, damage, estimate, FEMA, flood, fraud, handyman, home, Home Construction, hurricane, independent, Insurance, insured, loss, money, NICB, prevent, property, protect, quote, references, repair, service, time, wildfire
Whether you’re planning a much-anticipated remodeling project or facing repairs to fix damage from a storm, hiring a contractor can be a daunting and nerve-wracking task. While most contractors are trustworthy, some are guilty of taking advantage of vulnerable homeowners – especially when the repairs involve an insurance claim. The post How to protect yourself from fraud appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Wildfire: Suppression tips may help keep homes standing

By 100 feet, agent, airborne, damage, defensible space, destroy, eaves, embers, External, fire-retardant, fireproofing, frequent, fuels, harden, home, Home Protection-Fire, house, independent, Insurance, landscaping, prevent, protect, sprinkler, structure, suppression, tips, wildfire
When a house is still standing after a wildfire destroys neighboring homes, observers often wonder how the home survived. While not every wildfire can be avoided, several factors are key to preventing damage or saving a structure from destruction. The post Wildfire: Suppression tips may help keep homes standing appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Wildfire: Suppression tips may help keep homes standing

By 100 feet, agent, airborne, damage, defensible space, destroy, eaves, embers, External, fire-retardant, fireproofing, frequent, fuels, harden, home, Home Protection-Fire, house, ignition zone, independent, Insurance, landscaping, prevent, protect, sprinkler, structure, suppression, tips, wildfire
When a house is still standing after a wildfire destroys neighboring homes, observers often wonder how the home survived. While not every wildfire can be avoided, several factors are key to preventing damage or saving a structure from destruction. The post Wildfire: Suppression tips may help keep homes standing appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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How smoke from wildfires can affect your health

By agent, air quality, asthma, breath, breathe, breathing, chest pain, cough, disease, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, exposure, eyes, groups, hazardous, healthcare, heart, independent, indoors, inhale, Insurance, lung, moderate, N95, nose, P100, particles, pollution, prevent, protect, provider, sensitive, shortness of breath, smoke, unhealthy, unhealthy for sensitive groups, vascular, very unhealthy, wheezing, wildfire, ZIP code
While not everyone has the same sensitivity to wildfire smoke, it’s still a good idea to avoid breathing smoke if you can help it. And when smoke is heavy, which it can be in areas near active wildfires, it’s bad for everyone. The post How smoke from wildfires can affect your health appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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5 ways to protect your home from wildfire embers

By agent, attic, burning, combustible, defensible space, embers, flammable, foundation, gable, Home Construction, Home Protection-Fire, ignite, independent, Insurance, landscaping, mesh, prevent, protect, ridge, roof, screening, siding, soffit, trees, vent, wildfire
You’ve taken the precautions to make your home resistant to wildfire by installing non-combustible siding and roofing, removing all wood attachments, managing vegetation and landscaping and providing adequate defensible space, yet you may still be at risk. The post 5 ways to protect your home from wildfire embers appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Entrust storm repairs to honest contractors

By agent, catastrophe, construction, Consumer Tips, Contractor, copy, coverage, damage, FEMA, fire, flood, Home Construction, hurricane, independent, Insurance, license, payment, repair, roof, scam, Spring Storms, storm, tornado, vigilant, wildfire, writing
When businesses and homeowners are desperate for help to repair and rebuild after a disaster such as a hurricane, tornado or wildfire, they seek assistance from anyone who will offer help. Unfortunately, there are scammers who prey on those emotions and take advantage of good people in their darkest hour. The post Entrust storm repairs to honest contractors appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Make emergency evacuation plan for your horse

By agent, carry, disaster, emergency, evacuation, exit, feed, flood, haul, health, horse, hurricane, identify, independent, Insurance, medication, microchip, pack, plan, practice, records, route, stockpile, supplies, tack, tattoo, trailer, transport, virus, wildfire
Having a disaster plan is critical to keeping your animal companions safe. And horses require extra consideration because of their size and specific transportation needs. The post Make emergency evacuation plan for your horse appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Could your gate lock out first responders?

By access, accessibility, accessible, agency, agent, critical, earthquake, fire, fire department, Home Protection-Fire, hurricane, independent, Insurance, lock, mechanism, paramedics, police, prevent, property, protect, release, time, tornado, urgency, urgent, wildfire
In an emergency, first responders need immediate access to the affected property. While perimeter walls, gates and fences do a great job of maintaining privacy, these physical barriers could delay help from police, paramedics or fire departments. The post Could your gate lock out first responders? appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Consider the hidden risks of mulching

By agent, buildings, crushed, dry, extinguish, fire, hardscape, home, Home Protection-Fire, ignite, independent, Insurance, landscape, mulch, mulching, pavers, pebbles, prevent, property, protect, rock, smoking, soil, sparks, stone, structures, temperatures, warm, wildfire, wind
One of your annual gardening tasks might involve applying a new layer of mulch to help control weed growth, reduce soil erosion and add nutrients to the soil. While your fruits, vegetables or ornamentals might benefit, mulch is a combustible material, and care must be taken to avoid the possibility of it igniting. The post Consider the hidden risks of mulching appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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