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Technology enhances service but can’t replace relationships

By advice, agent, auto, business, client, community, Consumer Tips, Corporate, coverage, decisions, educated, emotional IQ, evaluate, evolve, experience, expertise, first-time, growth, guidance, homeowner, independent, Insurance, investment, life, personal, products, profile, relationship, renewal, risk, serve, service, touch, value
Building a relationship with an independent agent in your community can provide you with a personal experience and ensure that you are offered the right coverage. The post Technology enhances service but can’t replace relationships appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Know the truth about insurance

By A.M. Best Co., agent, alike, carefully, companies, conditions, Consumer Tips, control, costs, coverages, deductible, endorsement, exclusion, independent, informed, Insurance, limitations, Personal Insurance, policies, premium, purchase, read, savings, service, unique
Most people research major purchases such as houses, cars or electronics to assure they receive the best value for their money. It’s equally important to know what you’re getting when you buy insurance to protect your family and financial well-being. The post Know the truth about insurance appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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What’s included in a homeowner policy?

By agent, claim, Consumer Tips, coverage, earthquake, expenses, firearms, flood, high-value, homeowner, house, independent, Insurance, inventory, jewelry, liability, living, loss, Personal Insurance, policy, property, protect, schedule, service, structures, umbrella, value, water backup, wine
Homeowner insurance is much more than just coverage for your home and other structures. As a consumer, you need to know what your policy covers and protect yourself with enough coverage. The post What’s included in a homeowner policy? appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Managing hiring risks during labor shortages

By agent, attorney, background, Business Insurance, checks, coronavirus, counsel, COVID-19, cross-training, customers, decisions, driver, drug, employee, federal, hiring, independent, Insurance, labor, law, legal, local, Loss Control, managers, motor, MVR, oversight, Pandemic, personnel, practices, reputation, risk, screening, service, shortage, standards, state, testing, vehicle
Many business owners are facing labor shortages made more acute by the coronavirus pandemic. As employers look to hire workers, they struggle to answer tough questions. The post Managing hiring risks during labor shortages appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Managing hiring risks during labor shortages

By agent, attorney, background, Business Insurance, checks, coronavirus, counsel, COVID-19, cross-training, customers, decisions, driver, drug, employee, federal, hiring, independent, Insurance, labor, law, legal, local, Loss Control, managers, motor, MVR, oversight, Pandemic, personnel, practices, reputation, risk, screening, service, shortage, standards, state, testing, vehicle
Many business owners are facing labor shortages made more acute by the coronavirus pandemic. As employers look to hire workers, they struggle to answer tough questions. The post Managing hiring risks during labor shortages appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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How to protect yourself from fraud

By agent, Better Business Bureau, builder, business, claim, Consumer Tips, contract, Contractor, damage, estimate, FEMA, flood, fraud, handyman, home, Home Construction, hurricane, independent, Insurance, insured, loss, money, NICB, prevent, property, protect, quote, references, repair, service, time, wildfire
Whether you’re planning a much-anticipated remodeling project or facing repairs to fix damage from a storm, hiring a contractor can be a daunting and nerve-wracking task. While most contractors are trustworthy, some are guilty of taking advantage of vulnerable homeowners – especially when the repairs involve an insurance claim. The post How to protect yourself from fraud appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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International travel is back, but extra steps needed

By adapter, advisories, agent, airport, bank, cash, consulate, Consumer Tips, COVID-19, credit, debit, departure, embassy, emergency, health, Hospitality, independent, Insurance, license, luggage, mobile, money, Pandemic, passport, REAL ID, rental, restrictions, safe, safety, Safety Tips, security, service, State Department, STEP, transportation, travel, traveler, wallet
International travel is once again a possibility for many people. While it is always exciting to visit new countries, you must heed some key tips before visiting, and the global pandemic has added to the list. The post International travel is back, but extra steps needed appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Aboard a WWII troop ship on Fourth of July

By agent, Army, Atlantic, Beckman, Fourth of July, German, Independence Day, independent, Insurance, July 4, Lifestyle, ocean, Scythia, serve, service, ship, soldier, troop, U-boat, uniform, United States, War, Western Front, world War II, WWII
July 2, 1944: an American soldier slowly walks the steep incline to board a ship for an extended voyage overseas. All around him the city of New York is alive with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Kids run around the boardwalk chasing each other while the balloons wrapped around their wrists bobble and struggle to catch up. Young couples walk hand in hand as if they are the only two people on earth, unaware of large ships preparing to leave port. The post Aboard a WWII troop ship on Fourth of July appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance…
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Checklist: How did your home hold up?

By agent, air conditioning, batteries, carbon monoxide, check, clean, detectors, driveways, equipment, family, gutters, home, Home Maintenance, house, independent, Insurance, lighting, paint, play, prevent, property, protect, railings, repair, roof, safe, safety, service, sidewalks, siding, smoke, vent, windows
Spring is a good time to assess how your property weathered the winter and to make a “to-do” list to prevent property maintenance and liability issues. The post Checklist: How did your home hold up? appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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The hidden effect of COVID-19 on fleet safety

By agent, alcohol, Business Insurance, car, commercial, COVID-19, crash, crash rate, driver, drug, faster, fatality, fleet, independent, Insurance, maintenance, manage, manager, miles, Pandemic, pools, private, re-evaluate, road, safe, safety, Safety Tips, seat belt, service, traffic, truck, unsafe, van
If you’ve driven a motor vehicle since COVID-19 restrictions were initiated in March 2020, you’ve undoubtedly noticed fewer vehicles on the road. You might think this would result in a reduction in overall auto crash rates in general and fatality rates in particular. Unfortunately, it appears just the opposite is happening. While actual miles driven have declined, crash and fatality rates have increased. The post The hidden effect of COVID-19 on fleet safety appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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