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Pandemic put spotlight on virtual home inspections

By agent, convenience, coverage, eco-friendly, expertise, finalize, home, independent, inspection, Insurance, interview, on-site, Pandemic, photos, policy, protect, rebuild, report, research, safety, specialist, upload, Valuation, value, virtual
When you buy home insurance, the amount of coverage you purchase should be the amount that it would cost to rebuild the home. Insurers have generally used home inspections to help determine home value. But since the pandemic hit, travel restrictions prevented on-site home visits. The post Pandemic put spotlight on virtual home inspections appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Pandemic put spotlight on virtual home inspections

By agent, convenience, coverage, eco-friendly, expertise, finalize, home, independent, inspection, Insurance, interview, on-site, Pandemic, photos, policy, protect, rebuild, report, research, safety, upload, Valuation, value, virtual
When you buy home insurance, the amount of coverage you purchase should be the amount that it would cost to rebuild the home. Insurers have generally used home inspections to help determine home value. But since the pandemic hit, travel restrictions prevented on-site home visits. The post Pandemic put spotlight on virtual home inspections appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Summer! Time for play … and maybe some work, too

By agency, agent, boating, cobblestone, Consumer Tips, dining, DIY, fire, gardening, grilling, hardscape, hazardous, home, independent, Insurance, maintenance, outdoor, paver, planting, play, power, prevent, protect, repair, safe, safety, Safety Tips, summer, tips, tools, waste, watercraft, woodchippers, work, yard
Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of summer: time to grill on the patio, take the boat out, work in the garden or make a dent on that list of home improvement projects. Whatever your chosen activity, here are some safety and consumer tips from our blog. The post Summer! Time for play … and maybe some work, too appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Tips to help control insurance costs

By accident, agent, auto, backup, building materials, bundling, claims, Consumer Tips, costs, credit, credits, deductibles, expenses, generator, guidance, independent, injuries, Insurance, labor, medical, multi-policy discount, premiums, protection, purchase, replacement, review, safety, shut-off
Insurance premiums are tied closely to costs of labor, building materials and medical care. As these prices rise, the costs to treat injuries after an auto accident or to repair or replace your home, car and belongings also increase. The post Tips to help control insurance costs appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Enjoy the bicycle boom: 5 tips for safe riding

By agent, bicycle, bike, cell phone, commute, commuting, cycling, flat, gloves, handlebar, helmet, hydrate, independent, Insurance, lights, mountain, Pandemic, prevent, protect, reflectors, ride, riding, Risk Management, road, safe, safety, Safety Tips, sidewalk, sunglasses, tire, trail, tube, visibility
I put more miles on my bike than my car in 2021. Sticking to a few rules of the road kept me safe and accident-free, and I’d like to share them with you. The post Enjoy the bicycle boom: 5 tips for safe riding appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Fleet tracking rewards drivers, businesses

By agent, alerts, Azuga, braking, Business Insurance, cost, diagnostic, discount, distracted, Distracted Driving, driving, fleet, fuel, geofence, geolocation, GPS, idling, independent, Insurance, location, maximize, prevent, protect, RideWell, safe, safety, saving, status, tagging, telematics, tracking, trip, truck
What if a business owner could deploy technology that would monitor their vehicle fleet, help reduce expenses and encourage their employees to drive safely? Those goals are now within reach using vehicle telematics. And your insurance company is likely already on board. The post Fleet tracking rewards drivers, businesses appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Follow tips for portable heater safety

By agent, air circulation, automatic, banned, burns, carbon monoxide, ceramic, clearance, CO, combustible, curtains, death, detector, electric, fan-forced, fire, Fire Prevention, flame, flammable, fuel, gas, gasoline, heater, Home Protection-Fire, ignitable, independent, infrared, injury, Insurance, kerosene, liquid, manual, oil-filled, overheat, paper, portable, prevent, propane, protect, safe, safety, Safety Tips, smoke, smoke alarm, space, tip over
Space heaters offer a portable and relatively affordable means of taking the chill out of small spaces. But portable heaters are also a significant source of home fires each year. The post Follow tips for portable heater safety appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Back to school: Some things don’t change

By after school, agent, back-to-school, bus, car, class, classroom, college, Consumer Tips, coverage, crosswalk, driver, homeowner, independent, Insurance, inventory, motorist, Pandemic, Personal Insurance, play, prevent, protect, safety, school, school bus, student, traffic
Continued effects of the coronavirus pandemic seem to assure that this will be a back-to-school season like no other. While every community and school district is likely to have its own protocols to cope with the threat of COVID-19, other experiences are universal and unchanging. Review our blog posts from prior years for safety and insurance tips that are especially important as school resumes. The post Back to school: Some things don’t change appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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International travel is back, but extra steps needed

By adapter, advisories, agent, airport, bank, cash, consulate, Consumer Tips, COVID-19, credit, debit, departure, embassy, emergency, health, Hospitality, independent, Insurance, license, luggage, mobile, money, Pandemic, passport, REAL ID, rental, restrictions, safe, safety, Safety Tips, security, service, State Department, STEP, transportation, travel, traveler, wallet
International travel is once again a possibility for many people. While it is always exciting to visit new countries, you must heed some key tips before visiting, and the global pandemic has added to the list. The post International travel is back, but extra steps needed appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Keep the fun in summer with attention to safety

By agent, backyard, blade, burns, charcoal, chemical, children, chimenea, combustible, control, cut, family, fire, fire pit, garden, gas, green, grilling, guests, independent, Insurance, lawn, loss, mowing, mulch, pools, prevent, protect, push, riding, safe, safety, Safety Tips, slope, spas, summer, swimming, tips, tubs, yard
Summer. Time to relax and enjoy the fun in your own backyard. But to keep the fun rolling, make sure everyone stays safe and sound. The post Keep the fun in summer with attention to safety appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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