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Holiday list: Give the gift of life insurance!

By agent, annual, benefit, cash value, cover, coverage, family, financial, future, growth, health, holiday, independent, insurability, Insurance, insure, life, Life Insurance, lifetime, low, policy, premium, protect, security, underwriting
The annual holiday search is on for the perfect gift for your children or grandchildren. You can spend a lot of time and effort buying gifts … it can be overwhelming. You recognize that as children grow, their interests change. Last year’s trending gifts become this year’s trash. What if I told you there is a gift you can purchase that you won’t have to throw out and that can benefit a child for years to come? The post Holiday list: Give the gift of life insurance! appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Know the types of water shut-off devices

By agent, Automated, automatic, benefit, cost, credit, damage, flow, freeze, independent, install, Insurance, irrigation, leak, management, manufacturer, off, plumbing, point-of-use, policy, premium, pressure, prevent, protect, risk, Risk Management, sensor, shut, shut-off, sprinkler, supply, temperature, valve, water, whole-house
There are two basic categories of water shut-off systems: whole-house systems and point-of-use systems. While both can prevent water damage, generally only a whole-house system qualifies for a premium credit on your homeowner insurance. The post Know the types of water shut-off devices appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Expect the unexpected: Name a contingent beneficiary on your life insurance policy

By adviser, agency, agent, asset, assets, beneficiary, benefit, child, children, claim, contingent, estate, family, financial, independent, Insurance, legal, life, Life Insurance, plan, planning, policy, probate, proceeds, protect, tax-free, taxes
Life doesn’t always go as planned. When you married, you did the responsible thing and purchased life insurance policies for both you and your spouse. Each of you named the other as beneficiary, ensuring that no matter who passed away first, the survivor would be taken care of. At least, that was the plan. The post Expect the unexpected: Name a contingent <br>beneficiary on your life insurance policy appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Term vs. permanent life insurance: Which is right for you?

By agent, automatic, beneficiary, benefit, cash, convertible, death, holder, independent, Insurance, life, Life Insurance, loan, owner, paid-up, permanent, policy, premium, return, temporary, term, universal, value, whole, withdrawal
The biggest question to answer when purchasing life insurance is whether you need a term or permanent policy. Each type has advantages and limitations. To make the right decision, you should know and understand your options. The post Term vs. permanent life insurance: Which is right for you? appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Don’t put it off: Assess your life insurance

By affordable, agent, benefit, care, childcare, cost, cover, coverage, education, expenses, family, financial, help, independent, Insurance, life, Life Insurance, LIMRA, loved, mortgage, need, payments, peak, policy, protect, salary, survivor, term, time, utilities, wages, whole, years
Would you believe that 1 in 5 families with children under age 18 does not have life insurance? As shocking as that may be to many of us, a 2018 study by LIMRA, a leading insurance and financial services trade organization, also found that 3 in 10 families would be in immediate financial trouble if a primary wage earner died. And, nearly half of respondents would experience financial adversity in just six months. The post Don’t put it off: Assess your life insurance appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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When things change, review your life insurance beneficiary

By adoption, agent, annulment, baby, beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefit, birth, business, claim, death, dissolution, divorce, estate, financial, independent, Insurance, life, Life Insurance, marriage, plan, policy, protect, security, succession, trust, trustee, will
You name a beneficiary when you purchase a life insurance policy. This designation lets the insurance company know who should receive the proceeds of the policy. Keeping your beneficiary designation current is key to ensuring your life insurance benefits are paid as you desire. By not updating your beneficiary designation, your benefits may go to your estate instead of to those who need it the most. The post When things change, review your life insurance beneficiary appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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When things change, review your life insurance beneficiary

By adoption, agent, annulment, baby, beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefit, birth, business, claim, death, dissolution, divorce, estate, financial, independent, Insurance, life, Life Insurance, marriage, plan, policy, protect, security, succession, trust, trustee, will
You name a beneficiary when you purchase a life insurance policy. This designation lets the insurance company know who should receive the proceeds of the policy. Keeping your beneficiary designation current is key to ensuring your life insurance benefits are paid as you desire. By not updating your beneficiary designation, your benefits may go to your estate instead of to those who need it the most. The post When things change, review your life insurance beneficiary appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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