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Enjoy your patio heater this fall, but use it safely

By agent, awnings, balcony, business, carbon monoxide, certified, CO, cold, combustible, CSA, dome, electric, entry, exit, fire, Fire Prevention, fuel, gas-fired, hazard, heater, home, Home Protection-Fire, ignition, independent, inspect, Insurance, outdoor, patio, pole, prevent, propane, protect, reflector, restaurant, Safety Tips, shield, store, switch, tilt, tipover, UL, weather, zoning
Portable, outdoor gas-fired heaters – or patio heaters – are increasingly popular for use at home and in outdoor seating at restaurants, especially with colder weather fast approaching. While the heaters offer comfort, using them involves potential risks. The post Enjoy your patio heater this fall, but use it safely appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Fire up the grill, but follow simple safety tips

By agent, ashes, burn, charcoal, children, deck, fire, fittings, fuel, gas, gasoline, grill, hospital, independent, Insurance, patio, prevent, propane, protect, residential, safe, safely, safety, Safety Tips, starter
Grilling season is here, and with all the social distancing that 2020 has brought us, consumers are eager to do more home cooking at their backyard grills. Unfortunately, each summer season also brings numerous home fires and burn injuries associated with outdoor grilling activities. The post Fire up the grill, but follow simple safety tips appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Defensible space can make the difference in a wildfire

By agent, attic, combustion, debris, deck, defensible, driveway, embers, exterior, fire, Fire Prevention, firefighters, flames, flammable, ignite, ignition, independent, Insurance, leaves, mesh, needles, path, patio, prevent, protect, prune, Risk Management, safety, screening, shingles, space, trees, vegetation, vents, walkway, wildfire, window, zone
Creating defensible space around your home or business could make a major difference in whether your structure survives a wildfire. The post Defensible space can make the difference in a wildfire appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Safety tips before, during and after a wildfire

By 911, after, agent, air, before, car, children, conditioning, deck, dhild, doors, doorways, during, embers, emergency, evacuate, evacuation, family, fire, Fire Prevention, flammable, foundation, garbage, garden, heat, home, hose, independent, Insurance, kids, openings, patio, pets, pool, prepare, prevent, propane, protect, return, safe, smoke, supplies, threat, threatens, truck, tub, vehicle, wildfire, windows
Safety is a constant concern to those living in an area threatened by wildfire. Consider these tips to help you and your family before, during and after a wildfire. The post Safety tips before, during and after a wildfire appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Avoid hairy situations with dogs at your brewery

By agent, animal, animals, beer, beverage, bite, brewery, brewpub, cleaning, craft, Craft Beverage, customer, dog, dogs, drink, employee, food, furniture, independent, inside, Insurance, law, laws, leash, legal, legislative, liability, patio, prevent, protect, regulations, responsibility, safe, safety, sanitation, signage, state, taproom, training, visitor, water, worker
Today more than ever, our furry best friends are taking their seats next to us for rides in the car, trips on airplanes – and drinks on the patio at the local craft brewery. Brewpub operators should review and understand state and local regulations regarding food service establishments and animals. The post Avoid hairy situations with dogs at your brewery appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Don’t underestimate the risks of pressure washers

By agent, bruise, carbon monoxide, clean, CO, damage, danger, dangerous, deck, driveway, electric, flesh, hazard, hazards, hurt, independent, infection, injure, injured, injuries, injury, Insurance, laceration, lacerations, lawn furniture, patio, power, pressure, prevent, property, protect, Safety Tips, siding, spray, washer, water
Pressure washers are a quick way to clean the dirt and grime from siding, driveways, decks, patios, lawn furniture and other items. But while results may look great, users should beware: Pressure washers are deceptively dangerous. The post Don’t underestimate the risks of pressure washers appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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