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How an independent agent stands out

By agent, assets, brick and mortar, businesses, buying, captive, carrier, carriers, companies, company, compare, Consumer Tips, coverage, direct, expenses, gaps, independent, individuals, Insurance, needs, online, personal, Personal Insurance, plan, policyholders, products, selling
If you’re not in the industry, you may have many questions when purchasing insurance. Insurance companies have different structures and use different types of sales agents. Understanding your options can help you decide which is right for you. The post How an independent agent stands out appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Coping with loss in a catastrophe: What to do

By agent, assess, auto, business, calm, catastrophe, claims, company, contact, damage, disaster, drowning, earthquake, electrocution, emergency, family, flood, hail, home, hurricane, hurt, independent, injure, injured, Insurance, loss, medical, number, people, personal, power, prevent, property, protect, Spring Storms, storm, survey, tornado, water, wildfire, wind
Protecting yourself and your family is your first priority in the aftermath of a catastrophic event. When your auto, home, business or personal property is damaged or destroyed by a tornado, hail, flood or other destructive event, focus on people first. The post Coping with loss in a catastrophe: What to do appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Private company decision makers need D&O insurance

By agent, bankrupt, Business Insurance, company, competitors, creditors, D&O, decisions, directors, frequency, governmental, independent, individuals, Insurance, lawsuit, liability, management, mergers, officers, partners, private, protect, severity, shareholders, small, sue, suit, suppliers, vendors
Owners of private companies without shareholders often believe they do not need directors and officers liability coverage. The misconception takes hold, I believe, because small, privately held companies often have no formal board of directors or shareholders – which seemingly limits exposure to lawsuits and dismisses the need for D&O liability coverage. While logical, this could not be further from the truth. The post Private company decision makers need D&O insurance appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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New employee leave provisions apply to small businesses, too

By absence, agent, care, child care, childcare, companies, company, COVID-19, diagnosis, disruption, employee, employers, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, independent, Insurance, large, leave, Pandemic, quarantine, school closure, sick leave, smaller, symptoms, worker
If your business employs fewer than 500 workers, you may be subject to new requirements for employees who take leave for COVID-19-related reasons. Even if you are a business with less than 50 employees these new requirements apply to you. The post New employee leave provisions apply to small businesses, too appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Job-seekers: Beware of online employment scams

By agent, application, apply, ATM, chat, chatbot, check, company, Consumer Tips, domain, email, employment, fake check, fictitious job offer, gift card, hiring, independent, information, Insurance, interview, job, job scam, online, organization, Pandemic, personal, public, scam, scammers, staff, website, work, workplace
Scammers are taking advantage of job applicants by sending fictitious job offers in the name of several major companies. But beware: It’s a hoax designed to get your personal information. The post Job-seekers: Beware of online employment scams appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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Drug testing helps secure safer workplace

By agent, best practices, business, Business Insurance, candidates, commercial, company, drug, drug-free, employee, employer, federal, gray area, independent, Insurance, legal, legalized, marijuana, population, prevent, prospective, protect, safe, safety, standards, state, test, testing, usage, use, worker, workers, workplace
Employers committed to safety are continuing to follow best practices for maintaining a drug-free workplace, despite recent changes in employee drug testing laws. The post Drug testing helps secure safer workplace appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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In a car accident? Here’s what to do

By accident, address, agent, app, auto, automobile, business, call, camera, car, claim, claims, company, Consumer Tips, crash, exchange, independent, information, injuries, injury, Insurance, lights, mechanical, personal, phone, photo, safe, safely, safety, truck, vehicle, weather, wreck
Nobody likes to think about getting into an automobile accident, but it can happen to any driver at any time. Taking time in advance to think through the steps to follow after an accident can help keep you and your passengers safe and simplify the process of filing an insurance claim. The post In a car accident? Here’s what to do appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.
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